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therapeutic system中文是什么意思

用"therapeutic system"造句"therapeutic system"怎么读"therapeutic system" in a sentence


  • 治疗装置


  • In domestic , chongqing haifu ( hlfu ) technology co . , ltd is the best at the field of ultrasonic treatment , it ' s products of haifu focused ultrasound tumor therapeutic system and haifu czf ultrasound gynecology diseases therapeutic device is in the highest flight internationally
    在国内重庆海扶( hifu )技术有限公司多年来从事超声治疗设备的研制,其海扶刀、海扶妇科超声治疗仪等超声设备一直处在国内的领先地位。
  • This equipment utilizing the principal of rtaary focusing , the technique of double barriers and auomatic program , fulfils the breakthrough on high - dose , high precision conformal radiotherapy thechnique . it is integrated with advanced omagine equipment such as ct , mri and pet , and also with the world most advanced 128 guide double - video synchronied electro - encephalographic long - distance monitoring system for evaluation of eepilepsy patients pre - operation , in the operation and after operation . it combines multi - academic branches such as the department of neural medicine , neurosurgery , oncology , radiotherapy and imaginary , to form a combined therapeutic system
    拥有世界先进的大型医疗设备旋转式头部体部伽玛刀,该设备利用旋转聚焦原理双重屏蔽技术及自动化的治疗程序,实现了大剂量高精度适形放疗的技术突破,与先进的ct mri pet等影像设备及世界最先进的128导全数字化癫痫术前术中术后定位评估系统实现配套,形成了联系神经内外科肿瘤科放疗科影像科等多学科的综合治疗体系。
用"therapeutic system"造句  


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